World’s first Museum on Chaitanya Mahaprabhu opens at Baghbazar

World’s first ever museum dedicated only to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has been recently inaugurated at Baghbazar by Gaudiya Mission. Various stages of Mahaprabhu’s life have been portrayed in the Museum through a series of artistic installations and paintings. An exhaustive range of priceless manuscripts, scrolls and artifacts are on display.
This precious and rich museum will help future generations, specially those researching on Bhakti Movement and Sri Chaitanya gain more knowledge through the priceless scrolls of ancient times. This new age state-of-the-art museum has provisions for Digital Panoramic presentation on Gaudiya Philosophy, Vedic Cosmology with a manuscript based digital archive. It even houses a Space Theatre where you can experience ‘virtual reality’, witnessing the theological narratives unfolding through 3D Animated Films. The museum is more of an abode of learning, inclusiveness and human compassion.
Among the highlights of the museum will be the detailed biography of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, his contribution and his teachings of universal love. The museum has a library with rich collection of important and rare Vaishnava texts along with an auditorium to hold discussions, seminars and cultural programmes. Apart from conserving the glorious past, the museum aims to establish itself as a centre of learning, contributing to the Vaishnava Culture.
For almost a century, the Gaudiya Mission has been instrumental in spreading the doctrine of Gaudiya Vaishnavism as practised and preached by Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Mission was established in 1918 by Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Prabhupada and since then, the main objective of the institution has been to render devotional and spiritual service to humanity. With 64 branches spread across India and other countries, the Mission has been relentlessly spreading the message of love, peace and universal brotherhood.
This museum is a key initiative by the Gaudiya Mission to honour the teachings of love and devotion expounded by Mahaprabhu and as a tribute to his 525th anniversary. The museum is a three storied structure on 1350 square meter area. The entry fee has been kept to just Rs 20 and the timings are 10am-6pm (Monday Closed).
16/A, Kaliprasad Chakraborty Street.
P. O : Baghbazar.
Kolkata - 700003.