World class air purifiers set up by KMC to help Calcuttans breathe easy
It is said even trees in Kolkata cannot respire and transpire these days, thanks to the increasing pollution levels with soot and dust covering the pores on their leaves. Last winter even residents of Kolkata were finding it difficult to breathe and doctors had advised many morning walkers to stay indoors as the pollution level could affect their lung capacity. The KMC have already bought 10 water trucks to water the roadside trees and plants and also those in the parks to save them from dying. Washing their leaves will lead to opening of pores and proper transpiration and photosynthesis. There are more such water trucks on their way.
Apart from this to help residents breathe easy, KMC has proposed to set up air purifiers at different corners of the city covering as many wards as possible. These machines will be able to remove the large amount of carbon-di-oxide from the surroundings and also record the amount of particulate matter that cause harm to the lungs. Each of these machines cost around 50 lakh and for the all the wards around 72 such machines will be required.