UN climate change body claims Kolkata will face major disaster by 2100

Among the 20 cities worldwide to be worst affected by the global climate change in the decades to come, Kolkata unfortunately tops the list. As per yesterday’s UN Climate Change Report made by the UN body looking into impacts of global climate change, Kolkata is one of the 20 cities that will be badly impacted due to melting snow of the Himalayas.
Other cities of India that are projected to be impacted are Mumbai, Surat and Chennai. Around one metre sea level rise can occur. Though the North Indian cities will not face a similar brunt, they might face water crisis. It is believed that rise in sea level will be disastrous for coastal areas of Bengal as well as port city of Kolkata. Usually such impacts are seen once in a century, but with sea levels rising at the alarming rate, the impact might be seen every year. The sea levels are rising faster than thought and if it increases at this alarming rate, Kolkata will surely be flooded more than one can ever imagine.
Unless the world drastically cuts the impact of green house gases, by 2100, Kolkata’s 1.4 crore people will definitely be at peril.