Raksha Bharadia speaks to GB on the tricks

There are two things to understand about making people read what you blog. One is about the art of writing itself. In that the most important element according to me is giving people either of these: information that would be of some use, a deal, some kind of service or a sense of identity. By that I mean that the reader should in the process of reading your blog should somewhere say, “Oh my God, she knows what I am going through.’ So, in essence there has to be honesty in your work. We are all too obsessed with trying to sound smart, luckier, wise and that somehow skews our writing one way or the other. But if you can start with a challenge for instance, “I was totally down and broken and felt blah blah and that is when it hit me...” we will connect! The most important aspect in blogging is giving them something that is fast disappearing from our social space ---- real feelings!
The other thing to make it click would be to somehow incorporate SEO driven content. And give readers a space to be able to express their own opinion/feeling in the form of a comment. Can you inspire confidence in your reader to leave a response? Think about it and you get the instant connect with readers. Just like one makes a good writer when readers can relate to the subject of a book, similarly, a blog ticks and turns successful when one knows how to speak to readers through words.