Path-breaking jute sanitary napkins by Kolkata’s Jute Research Institute

Normally, sanitary napkins are made of imported cotton or wood cellulose. But now they will be made of jute! These low-cost jute based sanitary napkins have been developed by Indian Jute Industries Research Association (IJIRA) at Kolkata and now on the verge of commercial production, they will help in empowering rural women. The jute-based sanitary napkins are natural and do not have many chemical interventions compared to normal napkins available in the markets.
Indian Jute Industries Research Association,Kolkata
The machinery requirement for the jute-based sanitary napkins will cost about Rs 10 lakhs. IJIRA’s research in such sanitary napkins has reached the commercial exploitation stage. An incubation-cum-training centre will work with rural self-help groups to promote the technology by training women. These jute-based sanitary pads will help prevent cervical cancer. Since menstrual hygiene plays a role in development of cervical cancer, researchers believe it will be beneficial to women's personal hygiene. Also, the new line of products could revive the dying jute industry of Bengal. The product is fabricated from cellulose extracted from jute and its qualities are enhanced with addition of a super-absorbent polymer.