New Town to get first Tree Library of India

Have you ever heard of a Tree Library? Where you get to read only about trees? Well, a soon to be opened Tree Library at New Town will be a treasure trove for all naturalists and environmentalists for sure. The library being set up by HIDCO in association with West Bengal Pollution Control Board and Forest Department, will come up in phases. The first phase will come up on a 3-acre plot south of Kolkata Gate.
There are a total of 3,580 species of trees indigenous to the state belonging to more than 1,300 genera and falling under 200 families. The Forest Department has also identified trees that have a pollution-curbing effect. These trees are planned to be replanted in the boulevards across New Town. A part of the Tree Library will also be housed inside Smriti Bon, a forested park nearby.
So, next time, you feel confused when you see a common tree in your neighbourhood and wish to find out its name, then do not forget the Tree Library of New Town.