Born and brought up in Krishnagar, West Bengal, Biswarup Nath has been into the field of advertising for the past 13 years. He studied Bio Chemistry from Krishnanagar Government College but his childhood passion for painting and eagerness to look around for designs and its executions inspired him to enter the advertising industry. He has worked with Bates CHI & Partners and R K Swamy BBDO earlier. Presently, he is an award-winning Creative Director of SOS Ideas, Kolkata.
The project- #Goviraltostopthevirus has been taken as an initiative to make people think positive about the dreaded virus shape which represents scare and panic.
The poster of the day- Let Oxygen go viral by Biswarup Nath, is an appropriate way of depicting the shape of virus in today's scenario. The club-shaped spikes have been replaced with trees and the body as Mother Earth. The world has witnessed millions of deaths over decades due to the environmental distress caused by air pollution.
Prominent American cultural anthropologist, Margaret Mead, rightly said, "We won't have a society if we destroy the environment."