Kolkata scientists discover new protein to treat breast cancer

This is indeed a great news in the world of medical science. A team of city researchers from Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics along with another team from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology in collaboration with MD Anderson Cancer Centre Texas, have identified a protein that can hold key to the treatment of the deadly breast cancer that causes hundreds of deaths in India alone. Their initial findings have been published in the research journal Nature.
Triple Negative breast cancer is one of the most aggressive form of breast cancer in women and its therapy is usually non-responsive to medicines with potential chances of relapse. The scientists have found that loss of a protein named UBR7 alters normal breast cells making them tumour prone. In case of breast cancer patients amount of this protein goes down and completely goes missing for Triple Negative Breast Cancer patients. The scientists have found when this protein is re-introduced in mice with cancer, the protein mimics and self-terminates the tumour cells. This is indeed a huge breakthrough in the field of breast cancer research.