Kolkata’s Premier Clubs are first in the country to implement green norms

It is the need of the hour for every individual, institution and organization to be aware and environmentally conscious. The green bench of the apex court recently gave a verdict ordering environment-friendly measures to be implemented. Some of the premier clubs of Kolkata including Calcutta Club, CCFC, Calcutta Rowing Club, Lake Club and Dalhousie Institute have come up to be the first in the country to take up green initiatives following the verdict of the green bench.
The Calcutta Club has implemented solar panels on the roof. Other green measures like rainwater harvesting, sewage, composting plant are yet to be completed by September. 50% of the rainwater harvesting project and 20% of the solid waste management have been completed. The lifespan of the solar power generation is 25 years. These are good enough to meet 6% of the peak summer demand and 14-15% in the winter. The surplus electricity will be passed on to the grid by authorities.
Calcutta Rowing Club has also done the needful to adhere to green bench order and has started with the water recycling project. They will be implementing the solar power project in phases as it would cost around Rs 70-80 lakhs. Meanwhile Tolly club had previously incorporated the solar panel project and intend to implement the same. The authorities have already implemented water recycling and rainwater harvesting project. The solid waste management project is in the pipeline. The Dalhousie Institute is also taking up the necessary environment-friendly steps.