Kalyani’s scientists discover mutant Indian COVID strain that transmits faster

As we all know the COVID 19 strain has mutated several times and different forms have infected people of different nations. However, the nature of the dominant strain in the country is needed to be known as that will help the doctors to treat patients better. Scientists Nidhan Biswas and Partha Majumder from National Institute of Biomedical Genomics in Kalyani have successfully located the A2a mutated form of the virus strain that is predominant in India and is quite a potent strain. Their study will soon be published in the prestigious Indian Journal of Medical Research, approved by ICMR.
The A2a mutated strain of the novel coronavirus is highly efficient in entering human lung cells in large numbers. The previous SARS-CoV was not as efficient as this strain in transmission. The study is crucial as it helps vaccine manufacturers to set specific targets. While doing the study, the scientists studied 3,636 coronavirus RNA sequences that they acquired from 55 different countries. 35 Indian RNA sequences have also been checked and this mutated form is found in more than 50% patients. As the scientists have pointed out though some mutations help in bringing down the potency of a virus, in this case it is just the opposite. This mutation has helped the virus to transmit better and the mutant strain is moving so fast that it can even topple the original virus strain.
The A2a mutation can alter a component of the spike protein of the coronavirus, allowing it to bind more efficiently on the surface protein of the lung cell. And because this mutant strain can transmit easily, the disease has easily turned into a pandemic!