K.C. Paul, the man who tried to prove Galileo wrong! Was he mad or a man of conviction?

Every time I took a car ride to office down the Race-Course and Red Road, I would see writings on the boarded railings of Race Course in chalk powder, partially in Bengali and English professing The Sun Revolves Around the Earth and then the signature K.C. Paul. I would often ask my dad and my friends who is this K.C. Paul who has all the time and energy in this universe to prove scientific facts accepted globally and proved to be wrong? Being a student of science, even imagining the fact that Galileo’s theory was wrong or that the Earth is at the Centre of the Universe and the solar system does not exist, is almost like talking and professing the claims of a mad man. K.C. Paul or Kartik Chandra Paul to me was nothing short of a mad man out to prove his superiority by writing all over the city wrong scientific facts.
But just like scientists who spend decades in their laboratories or with their telescopes to experiment and prove a theory, K.C. Paul spent decades scribbling — “All scientists are fools,” and “The sun goes around the earth” — on walls and lampposts around the city, even handing pamphlets to passers-by in a desperate attempt to establish his theory. Such a dogged perseverance that we see on a positive note when scientists devote their lives for the upliftment of mankind and saving human lives was definitely a part of K.C. Paul’s life. He has again returned to my thoughts, for a movie made on him. He has even penned a book, titled The Sun Goes Around The Earth Once. I have often been amused at the audacity of such a man out to prove all scientists wrong! However, have been surprised by his conviction.
Arijit Biswas directed this film, Surjo Prithibir Chardike Ghore, based on his life and how he tries debunking scientific notions by painting graffiti and distributing pamphlets on his geocentric theory since 1979. Paul is rebuked by almost all and seldom gets any support for preaching his queer theory. But nothing can make the octogenarian change his belief and he still writes and preaches his theory with firm belief that one day the world will recognize him surely. Biswas’ film is all set for release commercially. Paul once left his home and spent two-and-a-half years on the footpaths of Rashbehari Avenue, but that did not dampen his spirits. In an interview Paul said, he received anonymous letters from citizens who describe him as a two-legged cow/bull, some wanted to ‘honour’ him with garlands made of cow dung cakes, some laughed at his stupidity but he remained unfazed. It is this faith, this conviction that Biswas portrays in his film. So, if K.C. Paul has surprised you down decades, then be at the movie hall to trace his tale. I too will be for sure.