Jadavpur University students crowd-source books and start women’s library

Krittika Chakraborty and Ritwija Dutta had a dream. To counter patriarchy with books. And finally these two students of Jadavpur University have set up a library in Sheoraphuli with 52 books. Most of the books kept in this all-women library are ones that fight against patriarchy. Their topics include origin of patriarchy, history of women, women’s voices, female sexuality, struggles, resistance, movements etc.
As of now it is a read-only library. But in future they have plans to make it a lending library and also hold discussions, screening of films and documentaries on feminism. They also wish to use this library to spread awareness among semi-urban and rural women on issues like menstrual hygiene, female anatomy, rape, molestation and female sexuality. May be someday this alternative space for women far from the male domain will be successful in addressing several issues. And if you wish to lay your hands on books like My Feudal Lord by Tehmina Durrani or Intercourse by Andrea Dworkin, then you can also drop in. Anyone can be a member of this library, irrespective of age and sex, though the library is dedicated to the cause of women.