Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata make people aware of spinal disorders

The Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata has been striving to bring in awareness to the city regarding various spinal and neurological disorders. With that aim in mind, they organised a symposium recently where world renowned doctors spoke on lesser known spinal disorders like Ankylosing Spondylitis that often go neglected due to lack of awareness.
Ankylosing Spondylitis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the spine and joints and can also at times affect the eyes. It can also lead to Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis in the intestine. Though this disease is controllable but due to lack of awareness among patients and doctors, it goes neglected or even at times misdiagnosed.
The symposium at IN-K had specialised city doctors like Rheumatologist Dr Shyamashis Das and spine surgeon Dr Anindya Basu. Along with them, Prof John Mathew, head of department of Rheumatology of Vellore’s Christian Medical College and Dr Ravi Sreenivasan, consultant spine surgeon of Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi were speakers. They all emphasised on early diagnosis and treatment as well as creating awareness among patients and doctors alike