Ice jackets to give relief to kolkata police dogs this scorching summer

This scorching summer the dog squad of Kolkata Police will get a new feather --- ice jackets to protect them from the cruel summer months as they go outdoors to protect citizens from bombs, drugs and much more. Their responsibilities increase all the more during the poll season as these sniffer dogs are often used to track illegal arms and ammunition. But their comfort is also important to keep them protected. Hence this year ice-jackets have been arranged to bring in the much-needed relief for this superbly trained squad so that they can escape from the clutches of heat strokes which often takes a toll on them during summers.
The dog squad of Kolkata Police Squad is truly a dependable partner. Out of the 48 dogs of the Kolkata Police Dog Squad, 29 are capable of detecting explosives. During the poll season, extra precautions are taken to prevent political agitations and violence. As soon as anything suspicious is found on the streets, the dog squad is called at the earliest to take care of the situation. Besides, the squad also comes handy during VVIP movements. They also stay in strong surveillance as soon as the voting machines arrive in strong rooms.
Heat strokes are common this season as the dogs often have to stand outdoors on duty. An American manufacturer is supplying these ice jackets for the dog squad which will enable them to keep heat strokes at bay. It will also be ensured that the dog squad have proper hydrating meals during this season. Their diets would include glucose and lassi to keep their system cool. They would also swim multiple times a day to beat the heat.