First ever Trail Run in Kolkata for Children!

Mark the date. 12th January 2020. Your little champs will not run on a school sports field, but on a trail run, popularised across the world that enhances the fitness of children and also brings them closer to nature. Since last few years JBG Trail Run has been an extremely popular trail run in Kolkata where hundreds join to keep themselves fit and also to create awareness.
But this year for the first time they have also designed a 2 km Trail Run for children between 6-10 years. The prime aim is to curb child obesity that is increasing at an abnormal rate among urban kids and also to make them aware about Kolkata’s East Calcutta Wetlands that happens to be a Ramsar site.
If you wish to register your child for this run then one parent also gets a chance to run free with the child! Visit and register.