Enjoy a peaceful Puja at Murshidabad, away from the big city

During Durga Puja this year, all those who normally travel out of West Bengal for their vacations are looking inward. That is, they are looking at the state government tourism properties run by the West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation Ltd (WBTDCL) as viable options in which to spend a few peaceful days. All properties have been recently reopened to welcome visitors post-lockdown, and each property is regularly and thoroughly sanitised to ensure complete safety for the guests, strictly following Covid protocol.
One such is the Bohor Tourism Property (earlier known as Baharampur Tourist Lodge), in Baharampur, the district headquarters of Murshidabad, which visitors may use as their base to get around this most fascinating of Bengal's districts. And true to the spirit of carrying Durga Puja with you, you may rest assured that you will miss none of the Puja fun, courtesy the Ranibagan Sarbojanin Durgotsav, which is within 600 metres of the property; and the Kandi Bus Stand Puja, which is within 500 metres of the tourist lodge. From 'bodhan' to 'bisarjan', you can participate in every ritual, and discover the joy of Durga Puja away from the big city.
That apart, there's the heritage Durga Puja at Kashimbazar Chhoto Rajbari, which has long been a popular tourist attraction, and justifiably so. The port city of Kashimbazar, which has more or less disappeared from the tourist map today, was at one time a crucial cog in the economic wheel of Murshidabad. Today, apart from the Rajbari, it is also famed for the royal palace of Maharaja Manindra Chandra Nandy, located right at the heart of Baharampur. It is a truly majestic edifice, with a balcony supported by 100 decorated pillars and 50 arches bearing terracotta and lotus designs.
Yes, in these pandemic conditions, Durga Puja will perhaps be quieter, less spectacular than usual, with Puja committees across the state struggling for funds, and as yet uncertain about how they will regulate the crowds. However, since there is Puja, there will be Puja vacations too, and there are perhaps few better places to spend them than in Murshidabad, the one-time capital of Bengal, the city that the British destroyed, both economically and politically.
With train services yet to resume, a road trip is the best way to get to Baharampur, which is roughly 200 km from Kolkata. With reasonable breaks, the driving time ought not to be more than 5 hours and 30 minutes. For bookings at Bohor Tourism Property, do contact
West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
DG Block, Sector-II, Salt Lake
Kolkata 700091
Phone: (033) 2358 5189, Fax: 2359 8292
Email: visitwestbengal@yahoo.co.in, mdwbtdc@gmail.com, dgmrwbtdc@gmail.com