Dr Niladri Konar of London not just won over Corona, but dedicated his life treating patients

Like many Corona warriors across the world, Dr Niladri Konar, a doctor treating COVID-19 patients in a London Hospital, himself got infected by this deadly virus. However, the virus has failed to put him down. He not just won over the virus, his dedication to his work made him return to the hospital within days after testing negative and recovery.
As Dr Konar put in: “There is a huge dearth of doctors in hospitals in UK treating Corona patients as most hospitals are working beyond capacity and many medical practitioners are also infected or quarantined. So, I felt the need to join as soon as possible.” An alumnus of SSKM and Ramkrishna Mission Narendrapur, 32-year-old Dr Konar is a specialist in treating COVID patients and is a frontline medical worker in this hour of crisis. He moved to UK in 2017 and was on a night-shift in his hospital treating Corona patients when he started feeling fatigued and gradually over the next few days he developed all symptoms of COVID-19 and developed fever, cough, lack of smell etc.
Also read : Bengali scientists develop a coating to contain infectivity of Corona virus
As Konar said the situation in UK is very grim and almost 100 patients are getting admitted daily in his hospital and many more are dying all over the country. Also as he pointed out there is lack of protective PPE suits as a result of which doctors and nurses are easily getting infected while treating patients. However, Dr Konar felt his first need was to serve the patients and the minute he tested negative, he decided to join back work. Kudos to such doctors and medical professionals who are fighting the disease without thinking about their own lives.