Cab driver Md Saidul hands over Baruipur hospital he built to treat Corona patients

He had saved every penny of his income and built a hospital a couple of years ago in Baruipur for the poor and needy of the locality. Cab driver Md Saidul Lashkar has again come forward during these difficult times of crisis and has handed over his hospital to the state government to be used as a Corona quarantine centre.
Saidul had built this 55-bed two-storied hospital in memory of his sister Marufa Khatun who died due to lack of treatment and absence of a proper medical facility in the locality. Saidul knew what was the need of the society then and even now. A hospital to treat the poor. The Corona crisis again reminds us all that what we need again are hospitals, more and more of them to keep in quarantine or isolation positive COVID-19 patients and treat them.
The BDO and administrative officials will now look into the hospital and have already sent the report to the State Health Ministry as to how to use it as a quarantine facility. Other than donating the hospital, Saidul has also donated cash to the CM fund. Hope Bengal gets more such brave-hearts and silent Corona warriors like Saidul.