Bengal Chemical launches new hand sanitizer on Prafulla Chandra Ray’s birthday

Known as the “Father of Indian Chemistry”, Prafulla Chandra Ray was a well-known Indian scientist and teacher and one of the first “modern” Indian chemical researchers. He discovered the stable compound mercurous nitrite in 1896 and established Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Ltd, (BCPL) India’s first pharmaceutical company in 1901 to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among the youth of Bengal.
Since then, the BCPL has been a thriving enterprise providing jobs to the younger generation. It has also been a premium centre of scientific research. There was a lean period in between but no the it is once again in the spotlight – this time for launching a new hand sanitizer. This sanitizer is of a very high quality and it is affordable for the common masses as well. Today marks the 159th birth anniversary of Prafulla Chandra Ray and the employees of the company decided to pay their homage to the great scientist/entrepreneur and launch the product on his birthday.
Ever since the World Health Organization (WHO) advised people rinse and thoroughly clean hands with an alcohol-based hand rub to kill corona viruses that may be on hands, the market has been flooded with all kinds of hand sanitizers. Hand sanitizers have become an essential item of our daily lives.
Pharmacy experts have researched the effectiveness of hand sanitizers in the fight against CoViD-19 and warned the public to beware of sub-standard products. They have also provided detailed 'recipes' for the manufacture of effective hand sanitizing gels and explained the science behind them. There is a real risk, they say, that consumers are obtaining and using hand cleaners with low or inadequate concentrations of alcohol. These might appear similar to hand disinfectants, but purchasers are often unaware that such products cannot ensure disinfection and are not fit for use amid the pandemic.
The Central-government owned BCPL now launches the new product with assurance of good quality. Named BENSAI, the product will be available in market from today. It will be available in 100 ml, 200 ml and 5 l jar. The entire product, right from its mixing of chemical compounds to manufacturing, bottling and packaging – everything is being done within the factory premises itself. Prior to this, the Kolkata-based public sector unit that is the sole manufacturer of anti-malarial drug in India, got its license to produce Hydroxychloroquine or HCQ, the anti-malarial drug touted by some as a potential weapon against Covid-19.
Now this new, affordable hand sanitizer from the stable of Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical Works Ltd is sure to grab a large chunk of the sanitizer market in India and boost the company’s economic growth.