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Baker from Darjeeling wins a gold medal at the Asia Cake Oscars 2024 – GetBengal story

21 August, 2024 17:22:03
Baker from Darjeeling wins a gold medal at the Asia Cake Oscars 2024 – GetBengal story

Rinchen Wangmo Yolmo, a home baker from Siliguri, won a gold medal for her customised cakes at the Asia Cake Oscars 2024 in the category: Intermediary Novelty Cakes. The ambassador of Turkey presented the trophy in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Skilled bakers from all over Asia were selected to participate in the competition.

Yolmo is overwhelmed with joy at winning at the Asian level. Asia includes diverse countries, and it is quite intimidating to represent an entire nation in a competition like this. “It is a big thing for me, especially since I am from Darjeeling and we do not have a lot of exposure there as compared to someone living in Kolkata. It was great meeting other cake artists who are all prominent in their own respective fields and are very talented. It was good to have exposure and, of course, win my category too.”

She won the award for the customised cakes she made in the years 2023–24. It was an R&R event, almost like an award show, except here the selection was based on baking skill and presentation. Yolmo won the Best Cake Award in the category of Intermediary Novelty Cakes. She bakes her cakes at her Siliguri home and does not have any shops or outlets. Her customers visit her house to buy her cakes. There are many people who love her cakes and are willing to travel to Siliguri to buy them.

When asked how important this award was for her, she explained that it was indeed very important. “It is very important for me. I appreciate every little milestone. And this came as a surprise for me since I bake very little. I only bake for regular customers, and I mostly focus on taking baking classes to teach women in my area how to bake. That was my major goal since long, ever since I decided to take a baking course myself. I wanted to empower women in my area, and many of them are talented enough to monetise these skills. So yes, this award is important for me and will always remain close to my heart.”

Yolmo has always liked to bake since she was a child. “I don’t really remember exactly when I was first drawn to baking, but for as long as my memory serves, I have always loved to bake. I used to watch my grandmother bake a lot in Darjeeling, and she had a huge old-fashioned oven. My family are big foodies, so naturally, cooking was the next step. I used to cook and bake a lot, especially after I moved away for my job. It initially started for my family and close friends, but after a while, mutual friends of mine started ordering, and then I realised that I needed a bit of help. Baking was slightly difficult for me since it is always a hit or a miss. So, when I had the time, I went to baking classes, and my husband suggested I get a formal diploma in baking. I got my diploma from APCA, Bangalore, since at that time, in early to mid-2000, that was the only institute that had baking as a separate degree. Of course, there are many other institutes offering such courses.”

She started her business in Bangalore after getting her diploma, around 2012. “I started Home Bake in Bangalore, and I had a good clientele there until I had to move back to Siliguri after I got pregnant and things became complicated. I took a break for two years, and when my daughter turned one, I started this business again in Siliguri. The clientele in Siliguri is a bit different compared to Bangalore. I received complaints from clients about my prices being high in Siliguri, while in Bangalore, I had no such problem. I did reduce my prices, and initially I lost a few customers since my prices were higher compared to local bakeries. But now, people have realised that no one else makes customised cakes in Siliguri, and the pricing is now justified by the quality of the ingredients I use and the exclusive designs. Now I have a very good clientele base here.”

When asked about her memories from her baking journey, she replied, “Every cake has its own story. What is remarkable to me is the passage of time. So, in the beginning, I started baking for a couple who were not yet engaged. Both of them used to order cakes for one another, and eventually, I made their engagement and wedding cakes too. Now, they have a child together, and I’m baking cakes for the kid too. Every year, I get a reminder to make a cake for the kid’s birthday, and it is so delightful to be standing alongside a couple’s long journey. This remains my most remarkable and memorable memory, which still continues. This personal connection is what makes me feel satisfied.”

Her future plans include taking more classes and inspiring people to explore their baking skills. “I have many international students too, and I encouraged my students to compete in the Bake India Bake competition. Many were scared to compete because, I suppose, there was a fear of losing. There is a lot of talent, and I wish to help people bring out this talent in them and make them more confident. This is my plan for the future. To teach people and help them reach their potential.”

Everyone has hidden talents, and it is important to find a guide to help bring them out. Mrs. Yolmo is the baking guide for the potential bakers.

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