Author Tarashankar’s house saved from promoters!

Finally, Bengal’s leading novelist of all times, Tarashankar Bandopadhyay’s house could be saved from the greed of promoters. This house stands at Tala Park and Bangiya Sahitya Parishad has bought this house from his heirs as at sum of more than 2 crores. This house harbours unforgettable memories, as this is the place from where the author belted out immortal tales of Hansuli Baaker Upakatha or Arogya Niketan. Bangiya Parishad will restore the building and turn it into its second campus.
They also plan to turn the ground floor of the building into a museum, specially the rooms where Tarashankar used to sit and write. Some of the rooms will also be used as a guest house to accommodate researchers who come from abroad or other states. They can now stay in this house itself and do their work. The 12-roomed house was built by the author himself from a loan he acquired from LIC and had a tough time repaying the loan. Later, he used the money he got from Gnanpith Award to repay it. Most of Tarashankar’s heirs live in different parts of the globe and if Bangiya Parishad had not come forward, this memorable house would have been sold off to promoters.
The room that will be turned to a museum will contain his chairs, stick, several pens he used to write and a divan. Bangiya Parishad also plans to publish an unpublished travelogue of the author and his diary entries in the form of a book. Some of the things the author used has also been sent to his Labhpur house and will be featured as part of the museum there. The house now has a new lock and stands as a witness to Tarashankar Bandopadhyay’s historical journey down pages of his memories and books. Thanks to poet’s like Shankha Ghosh, at least the house has been saved from getting demolished and from the claws of promoters.