A picture says a thousand words

Bhaiphonta, Bhratri Dwitiya, Bhai Dooj, Yama Dwitiya (if you are in South India), whichever name you choose to give it, this traditional celebration of the bond between brother and sister has long been an integral part of India's festive calendar. And since a picture does indeed say a thousand words, we have chosen to celebrate this popular tradition through a series of photographs taken by young Bangladeshi photographer Abu Rasel Rony.
And since a picture does indeed say a thousand words, we have chosen to celebrate this popular tradition through a series of photographs taken by young Bangladeshi photographer Abu Rasel Rony.
Originally from Kushtia in Bangladesh, Rasel has been a photographer for almost 10 years. Noted for his portraits, his subjects are overwhelmingly drawn from the villages of his country, which are very much like the villages of Bengal. The photographs you see here carry this rural theme forward, but are also symbolic representations of the bond between brothers and sisters.