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Sunanda Bose

Sunanda Bose is a social activist and has worked for decades on women education and rights. She also belongs to the erstwhile Taki Zamindar family

Try some simple less spicy Taki dishes this summer

What made Sada Dalna of Taki so delicious?

Take a dip in the signature Taki dishes

From Gotar Jhol to Mourala Shukto

SUNDERBAN DIARIES: Lesser-known predators

Not just Royal Bengal Tiger, but many predators lurk rivers

Eternal dilemma of Ghoti vs Bangaal

Paschim bari and Puber bari of Taki

Try some simple Taki dishes this hot summer

Sunanda Bose of Taki zamindar family helps us with simple dishes

SUNDERBAN DIARIES: Hethal bushes and Gosaps

How locals have been motivated to preserve Sunderbans

The ‘Brave Honey Collectors’ of Sunderbans

Sunanda Bose also speaks about Sunderban pirates!

SUNDERBAN DIARIES: Of Bonbibi and Dakshin Rai

Taki Zamindars and their BoroTushkhal Kachhari Bari

SUNDERBAN DIARIES - Dead bodies on bhela and bird hunters

Tale of a Taki Zamindar family’s trip to Sunderbans decades ago 

Sweet dishes of Taki as remembered by Sunanda Bose

Aumbols and Malpoa, cooked Taki style

Taki’s signature dishes and their Jessore influence

Taki’s signature dishes and their Jessore influence

Buffer zone between Ghotis and Bangals

An insider’s story on Taki and its zamindars
